Questions -|- Answers

- We provide service to over 130 clients
- We make 3000 1 way rides a year
- We have over 20 volunteer drivers
- We transport to over 25 medical offices in the greater New Milford area
- We serve the greater New Milford area, including Roxbury, Sherman and Washington
- We drive to surrounding towns, including but not limited to Bethel, Brookfield, Danbury, and Ridgefield.
- We have a Wheel Chair Accessible Bus, which can accommodate standard size wheelchairs
Who's Who?
- Marianne Tarby, Lead Scheduler
- Kathy Granata, Office Support
- Carrie Lee Bunblasky, Program Director
What's What
- 1 2018 Chevy Malibu
- 1 2016 Ford E350 Bus with wheelchair lift
- 1 2017 Chevy Malibu
Just to know…
We ask that you schedule your
appointments at least two weeks in
Our service runs Monday-Thursday
(not Friday) 9am-Noon and 1-3:30.
Exceptions may be permitted. Please call
our office Monday-Thursday 9am-12 noon
for more details.
You MUST be independent and mobile or
have a caregiver, friend or family member
to assist you.
Drivers cannot leave the vehicle
unattended, especially with other clients
If your home /driveway is not safely
accessible we cannot provide service.
*Please keep in mind during inclement
weather and unsafe road conditions, We
may cancel our service. If New Milford
schools are closed and you have an appointment that day, we will contact you.
WHEELS is also closed on federal holidays.